During much of my medical career, my understanding of the human bladder was that it was a reservoir for the body’s metabolic waste and that it simply stores #urine until it signals a sense of fullness to motivate volitional voiding. As filling increases tissue distension, intensity of desire to void increases accordingly. Throughout most of the day, the bladder just passively fills. How reassuringly simple!
I also understood that bladders, and mostly of females, are very vulnerable to infections, but that they are readily treatable by swallowed #antibiotics. For decades I prescribed them to be taken accordingly. How convenient!
Unfortunately, #standard #bladder #treatments, which I used extensively and remain consistent with today’s accepted clinical standards are “what you see is all there is” naïve.
Emergent evidence informs us, that level of understanding is dangerous, accounting, through #urge #incontinence treatment, for an incalculable number of people unnecessarily diagnosed with #dementia and transferred into nursing home care at immense personal and societal costs and through #cystitis treatments, for recurrent and ascending #infections, #urosepsis, treatment failures, #gut #microbiome #damage, overstretched and blocked hospital services and #antimicrobial #resistance that progressively is undermining #healthcare as we know it today, Pray tell, what is the point of seeking new knowledge if it doesn’t encourage us to change our behaviour for the better?